Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts
Mostly SOAPs..S.cripture O.bservation A.pplication P.rayer about whatever scripture captured my heart at that moment... along with the (not so)average tidbits of life that swing my way....sometimes hilarious, sometimes not, but almost always about family life in general.... trying my best to stay centered on Christ, and watching the world try and attack like...EVERYTHING... so hang on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride...
Take this job and shove it... I ain't workin' here no more....
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I bring you.... me.... I've been gone for quite some time, and I really feel like I've been...well... GONE.
Over the summer to help out, I took on a stay at home job that was supposed to be about 15 hours a week. It was perfect, my world was great, I was volunteering at church, doing a few weddings for people at the church, getting to know people, making friends, getting ready for the new school year with my kids, because I home-school, too...
The saga continues.... What started out as 15 hours, quickly turned into 30.... at this point, things became a little hectic, as the school year had just started and I was now doing three different grade levels at home, plus laundry for five, and meals for 8 ( the family we live with), and general upkeep, remembering to shower....remembering to tell my kids to shower, and other daily "mom" tasks... I was barely hanging on, but hanging I was, and still smiling.....
Tragedy..... My job then spiraled into a 50 hour work week!!!! Needless to say, things started falling by the wayside, most days I'd go back to bed, still in the jammies I never had time to change out of! It became ludicrous, with 25 hours a week of school, plus work, I was pulling 75 hours of just work, with no "mom" stuff added in, but still doing it... At this point, I noticed my hair falling out, my smile starting to sag, and tears falling for no apparent reason, other than my cup was runnething (is that right?) over.... Wow, could it get worse????
I was still volunteering for the worship team, which at this time was the only thing that would fill my tank and fill me with joy, because at this point, it was also my only opportunity to spend time with God... Oh I missed Him SO!!! It HURT!!
And at this point, I began this self-destructive criticism of myself, which led to a dark place... self-doubt, I wasn't being a good mom, I wasn't being a good wife, I wasn't being a good daughter to God... I felt like a failure, the only one getting the best of me was my boss who kept pushing for more with no thanks or incentive...
Time to take inventory.....I felt like junk, and had the nagging feeling that I was missing something...the light went off... I had the revelation that feeling like junk was so not of God, and I had to figure everything out! Had to do something!! But What?!
Next move: so I prayed....and I prayed...and the more I prayed, the more the answer became clear....but how? I was scared... I couldn't just quit... What was going to happen?? And God kept whispering, Let Go, and Let ME..... He wanted me to give the reins to Him.... Dog-gone it! I know that! But it's hard, Lord!
Next Day: My boss made changes to the running of the business that put me on a strict schedule, not allowing for the flexibility of having school, which was why he hired me to work from home in the first place....made changes making me use my cellphone to field calls from Realtors...something he didn't ask me to do, just assigned.... and then asked me to verify all my work on an hourly basis.... Ok!!!
The straw broke the proverbial camel's back.... I felt the change in me like a raging bull.... no WAY was I going to give up my kids schooling, no WAY was I going to be able to be there only for him, and let go further of God and my husband... No WAY, NO WAY!!! I felt like my insides were just shouting!!!!
An hour later: I e-mailed him.... after weeks of explaining that I couldn't take on more, him saying it would be okay, we'd work it out, and assigning me more anyway....I QUIT!!!!!!! I QUIT I QUIT I QUIT! And never have a felt so relieved over the prospect of losing so much! That same day I received so MUCH affirmation that my decision would be okay, that I cried with joy. Within minutes came the prospect of another job, within minutes, my dedication to the vocal ministry at church grew!!! Within hours I was making connections with people at church that I found I needed in my life, but had never had the chance to speak to!! Within a day, I had fallen back into the swing of being me... of teaching my kids and having FUN with it, of hearing my kids LAUGH during school, of just sitting and being with my husband, and giving him JUST me for a few moments, with no distractions.....and we took the time to PRAY together... AMEN! Within a day, new opportunities for growth within the church came upon me...and I just felt like.... Thank You GOD for bringing me HOME.. I've missed you soooo.... Oh how I've missed You... thank You for being so quick about letting me know You were just waiting for me to turn back to You...
Finally: Surrender.... God... I pray to never lose sight of You again... I pray to never allow myself to be so overwhelmed with life, that I somehow allow You to be pushed aside... Without You being the Head, I have discovered I can't be the heart...the heart for my kids, the heart for my husband, they deserve what only You can work through me.... Thank YOU for not giving up on me... I never left You...and am so glad You never leave me.... I praise You for showing me the peace that passes all understanding and for loving little old me....
Mama Lil': 6
World: 0
1 John 3: 16-18
Posted by Candice at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Okay ladies and it is.. I know it's been a while and for that I apologize, but hopfully it's worth the wait? Where to begin.
Let's start at the very beginning...a very good place to start...
Choir. Wow. Who'd a thunk it?
First let me say that I am honored and humbled to have been asked, and to have been a part of such a tremendous worship experience. When Derrick approached me about leading the choir, I thought... "Lord? Are You sure?" I didn't hear a no, so I said yes.. I was excited to be sure, but at the same time, here I was treading in new territory again.. "Thanks, God". And a very real part of me was second-guessing myself again, and in doing so, I was second-guessing the power of letting God work through me. Did I let it stop me? No. Did I once again learn something amazing in letting Him lead? Yes... Oh yes... About myself, and more importantly, about Him. When He wants something to happen...and he wants YOU to do it...doesn't matter if you've done it before, doesn't matter if you've done it a thousand times, somewhere buried inside of you is this wonderful little treasure trove of gifts placed by God that is ready for such a time as this.. He's just waiting for you to tap those resources that He so lovingly placed there for you that will enable you to do so much more than you ever dreamed.. and for HIS GLORY!!! He just needs the time to be right...and this was one of those times...Praise God!
Is this something that I keep learning? Yes it is.. The first time was a few months ago during the Beautiful series. Did I think I could sing that song? No... Did I feel embarassed to sing that song? Yes... Did it stop me? No.. I'm learning to hold on the reins and let His wild horse fly... And what came out of that was this newfound strength, courage, and confidence that I was blessed by HIM, and yes, it's okay to flourish in those gifts given by HIM! And HE loves me as I am...not as the world may see me, but as I am, in my heart, and in my deep abiding love for HIm...How much more in awe am I that HE thought enough of me...simple me... to gift me in such a way that no man has ever influenced... I've never had a lesson, never wanted to...some of that is where my fear was to sing like that for people... this untrained, kind of wild voice that just breathes God... and where did that lead??
Next lesson, the choir.. Just when I had been touched by this love from Him, once again, He taught me to tap those resources that were lying still wrapped in beautiful trappings...just waiting... And Derrick, once again, giving me a chance, to reveal more about myself I just didn't know. There we were at the first practice and I'm interacting, and loving on you people, and singing, and guiding, and I took a step back and went... "Oh My Gosh".. This feels so right.. God? Are you serious? I've never felt so at home.... it was easy... I loved every second of being with all of you... of working together to do something wonderful for my Father..
It was almost effortless, and yet there was so much joy being with you...just being with you... I was so blessed by each of you individually, your smiles, your excitement, your passion, your joy, wow, my cup runneth over! I sit hear trying not to cry, in thanks and praise for my wonderful Father who I know is crying out to me to find my place in this world, and take it...and know that He is with me every step of the way, and not to fear, because He is with me.. Did I think my Faith was big before? Yes, Do I think so now looking back? No... not I want it to grow?? Desperately! I am ready to make Him proud of me, and to not lack the confidence that will lead me to greater things in Him... Apparently I have a problem with this area, or He wouldn't be driving it home so deeply, and for that I'm grateful, for in each new lesson comes greater strength and joy in growing as a person. And greater reassurance that He is there. He will carry me.
As for today, any of you reading this that was in the choir or was a part in anyway, let me say thank you for your willingness to serve in such a great way, thank you for your time, your heart, your love...thank you for being instrumental in teaching me something in return... and May I say, regardless of how awkward it may make some of you :) I love you all... I very dearly do... each of you was so special, in your kind words, in your excitement, in allowing me to lead you... thank you. Praise God for His great works. You all were so very awesome, and to feel that power at my back just drove me to a deeper place of worship, I was truly energized by your presence.
Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you...
But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true....
May God bless your days, and may you be learning to walk with Him as I am. Each and every day a new beginning.
Mama Lil' - 5!
World - 0
Posted by Candice at 4:50 PM 2 comments
What Your Latte Says About You |
![]() You are very decadent in all aspects of your life. You never scale back, and you always live large. You are a very frivolous person. You don't take anything too seriously. Why should you? Intense and energetic, you aren't completely happy unless you are bouncing off the walls. You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it. You are a child at heart, and you don't ever miss the opportunity to do something playful. You are sophisticated and daring, but you are never snobby. |
Posted by Candice at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Okay people,
What's the deal??? I mean really... You hit someone, you should deal with it. not leave them baffled and bewildered with"What the heck happened?" and "How do I deal with this..?"
Okay...venting...feeling better....coming down..... breathe in through the nose...and out through the mouth....GGRRRR!!!!!!! okay, one more time, I think I can do this..... In......out.....okay..
Now that I've lost everyone, here's the deal-i-o.
Husband out of town in TX.
Me alone with the kids 24/7 for like 4 days.
Normally not bad, just having a busy week.
Boys are getting older, so needing more activity and energy release.
Soooo..... this story begins in a rather large town, not so far, far away.... It was a beautiful Monday morning, the birds were singing praise to their Creator..... the smurfs were happily toiling away whistling while they worked...and I in my kerchief...wait. hang on...strike that..
Okay, so the birds were singing...and my aunt and I decided to make a day of it with the kids, both hers and mine, so we prepare to set off. Snacks are packed, plans are made, and off we go to be heroes and solve the boredom of the day that lay before us. Up til now, all is going well, even smiling through the kids in the back seat of the van "stop touching me!". "No, You stop touching Me!." "Mom!!!" ...."I said stop, I'm tellin on you!". "Moooomm!!!!....
"Boys!, girls! Enough! 1 - 2 - don't you let me get to three or I'm pulling over!!!
" 3, okay you've done it, ".....pulling over.....parking .....
Suddenly they are sitting with their hands on their knees..sobbing....I haven't even done anything, lol... ahhh....the power of the stinky eye.... God seems to have blessed me with a particularly stinky can paralyze three young boys and one girl with a single stinky-glance....I'm laughing on the inside, truly, because I don't want to spank them... so I get back in the driver's seat, and off we go..... again......smiling....still...
So, we go bowling...sounds like fun.. and you know?? It was, we had a blast, little friendly competition with the kids, me and my aunt hung out and had some fun with them, and we burned a little over an hour what's next...
Peter Piper! There we go, it's lunch time, and they still have energy to burn, so let's go... it's in a nice part of town, not much ever happens in front of Sam's Club, so fine, let's go....
Okay, so Peter Piper goes off without a hitch, much laughing, playing, giggling, eating, and Benny tells me I'm the best mom ever... yup... I know... (jk) Ain't mother-dom great?! Thank you God for moments like those....
Anyway, we leave......and....
my van.... While we were in there, oblivious to the world....someone proceeded to back out, and completely take out the back fender of my van... and LEAVE!!!!!
There is white paint all down the back fender, and a piece of their headlight is EMBEDDED in the side of my van... there's no way they coulda thought..."must have driven over a can".... the rest of their headlight was on the ground....and no one saw a thing....
My first insurance claim ever... my first vehicular damage, ever.... crud. Here go the insurance premiums and I didn't even DO anything, I wasn't even in the vehicle!!!! It wasn't even MOVING~ That's what gets me most, it's not the van, it's not that it is dinged up now, I could care less, the van is just a thing and it belongs to God... He blessed us with it, it's the principal that now there's nothing I can do... no way to pay for the damage, no way to be compensated from whomever did it...there are no security cameras on the lot... well.....let me restate that....
FYI People... The cameras in the Peter Piper parking lot on Dysart are decoys.. They do not work and aren't attached to anything. We tried Sam's club, too, to see if theirs reached far enough.... missed it by that much! They get to within 3 spaces, but just not quite close enough to my car, so for future reference, if you want to be safe and covered, if you are going to Peter Piper pizza, park as close as you can to Sam's and huff it.... trust me , it will be worth it.
And now ladies and gentlemen, I have vented, I feel better....and I know that it's just one of those things....there just seems to be alot of those for our family lately.... let the refining continue... and in this moment right here and now...clarity....
I forgive whoever it was, Lord.... because at this point I realize that I really didn't get all that angry, it was more of a sort of sadness over the principal...So God, I give it up to you...what man intends for evil, You intend for good. You saw it, you know who did it, and that's all that matters...that's up to you to handle, I release it...I realize that I am at a place where what happens here doesn't really matter, and whatever Satan throws our way is just laughable at this point. And you know the best part God?? Well, of course You do, but I'll share it anyway.... My husband didn't get mad either...
He just got to business on the phone with the insurance and claims, and everything that needed to be done, but he just sort of laughed and said "oh well".... God, that was awesome, and if it hadn't happened, we wouldn't have seen how far we've thank you for those moments that reveal growth...thank you for lessons, and thank you for loving us enough to still want to teach us...
We love you, and pray that we may one day make You proud...
Since this one includes me AND my hubs, here's the tally.....
MamaLil' - 4!!
World - 0
Can't touch this...can't touch this....hammer time!
Posted by Candice at 3:07 PM 3 comments
Well here we are... Mother's Day!! Every year up to now, Mother's Day hadn't been a big deal to me really.... my kids were still too little to understand the relevance, and my husband just didn't seem to get it... so I just ho -hummed through the last nine years of Mother's Days...
'Til today... :-)
Today, ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived.. full fledged Mother-Dom.. Is that a word? Well, now it is..
I awoke around 8:00 which is LATE for me, but still early for some, the birds were singing, I got a text from my best friend in Mount Shasta, and I got to speak at an unhurried pace to my North Carolina..I miss her so much, but through the distance we've become such great friends, that she's even more than a mom to me now... I thank God that I grew so much to see her for who she really is... I just couldn't seem to see it when I was younger....anyway, moving right along...
I tried to go down the hallway, and was stopped by three wonderful, beautiful, bright eyed boys, who henceforth commanded me back to the back of the house, and excitedly informed me that I was not to come out until I was told....hmmm.... (one eyebrow raised in joyous curiosity) I quickly received hugs from all three, they shared their "Happy Mother's Day" words with me, and quickly ran off... I feel the lump in my throat... Through my smile this morning, there are tears welled up...little tide pools... My little men are making me so proud, and I'm rejoicing in the fact that they are learning the importance of making OTHERS feel important... They are letting their little lights shine...and I couldn't be happier... I'd have to say I'm MORE happy with what's growing in their hearts, than at the prospect of having my first official Mother's Day.... I can hear them laughing, and trying to make breakfast...I hear something frying....who't matter...I hear them with their daddy and their uncle, having MEN time, and it's just awesome... I would be happy with fish sticks and tater tots for breakfast, at this point...
I just hope that this morning makes God smile... as it has me... I can only remind myself of how thankful I am to have been blessed and entrusted to make Godly men out of these beautiful little boys.... Thank you Lord... I know you love them more than I, which is an amazing thought, considering what is just bubbling forth right now... Thank you Lord ,for my cup runneth over...
Mama Lil' - 2
World - 0
In him,
This little light o' mine...I'm gonna let it shine.....
1 John 3: 16-18
Posted by Candice at 8:30 AM 0 comments
So here I am...desperately trying to come up with something awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, laughable, even remotely interesting, and all I can do is stare at this screen blankly, deciding to ramble aimlessly until I come up with something worth sharing. So here's an apology to those of you that decided to give me the time of day to check this thing out. It's probably gonna be like this until I really have something funny to share, like my son calling me a biatch and not knowing what that is, but somehow overheard it on a movie so decided to say "get me a juice box biatch... " Hmmm... How does one address that? How does one handle that without the immediate urge to shove soap in his mouth? Pray to excorcise the minions of Satan? Get thee behind me?? Or do I go to the owners of the house in which I now live, and beg them to watch more appropriate television around my children... Well, be honest, I sort of did all of the above.. Did I overdo it a bit? Probably..but what else is new? Maybe I should have counted to like 100!!!!!! and then figured out a gameplan as I sent him to his room, but at the time, he had no idea what he'd done wrong, lol....and now my five year old is staring with these grotesquely saucer-sized eyes, trying to figure out what just happened... Needless to say, I think we nipped that one in the bud.... anyone agree??
No matter how hard we try to be good, and try to create the best environment, we are still going to have to learn to address the influences of the outside world...
So here's the tally
Mama Lil' - 1
Outside world - 0
Will keep you updated on the progress of life.
Much love to you all.....
In Him,
1 John 3: 16-18
Posted by Candice at 7:00 PM 1 comments