Saturday, February 14, 2009

S.O.A.P. for 02-12-2009

S: Exodus 34:12-14
12 “Be very careful never to make a treaty with the people who live in the land where you are going. If you do, you will follow their evil ways and be trapped. 13 Instead, you must break down their pagan altars, smash their sacred pillars, and cut down their Asherah poles. 14 You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.

O: My observation is that God means for us to be a passionate people. He wants us to be strong, devoted, committed, devout, and fervent! Not whimsical, half-in-half-out, on the bench, just waiting for things to get better. No, He calls us to action, in very obvious ways. Break down their pagan altars, smash their sacred pillars, and cut down their poles. I don't believe there's any mis-interpreting the fact that He doesn't swallow "wishy-washy".

A: My application is that I want to be that passionate. What's stopping me? What's stopping you? Who or what are we afraid of? have we conformed so much that we don't WANT to stand out in the crowd? Who are we really living for? Our neighbors? Our friends? Or God?? Seriously.... I don't believe He said to sit idly by while the madness and sin surrounds us and just huddle up and pray, He says to DO something about it!! How weak are we that Paul went to jail, John beheaded, others were martyred, and we want to "close the curtains and the blinds" and pretend it's not out there. I'm a bit ashamed of myself for my lack of faith that He promises to be there if I am truly living for Him and what He stands for.

P: Yahweh! Father! I love you so very much, and find myself ashamed in Your presence. I know I fall short of the mark when it comes to being who You want me to be, but wow. You do call us to gentleness and meekness and kindness, but when it comes to defiance of You, of Sin, You basically call us to arms! I don't know how to do that Lord, as the other side of Faith, the gentleness, has been so ingrained that my heart cries out when I see something wrong, but I don't know what my "action " is. Please reveal it to me Lord, that I may stand STRONG for You, that there is no question where my beliefs are, and there is NO QUESTION where my loyalty is. There are bound to be consequences Lord, but Your promise is to always be there, until the end of the age! God I pray that I may rest in that, and know that You are leading me to a place of passion, a place of urgency, a place of intensity like none I've ever known and I pray that I allow myself to follow You and help me live bit by bit through Your eyes. God I pray that You continue to drive me out of my comfort zone, so that I may never become a "bubble-gum" Christian, but One who is in with both barrels blazing! I just know that by being true to You, the reward, no matter the cost, will be greater. Thank You Lord, for believing in me, thank You for showing me there is more to me than I am aware of, and Thank You for growing me!! I ask for Your presence within me, I ask for a warriors heart, one that does not falter! One that Fights for you! I pray that You help me leave a legacy of having lived the life of a Jesus Freak. I love you, and worship You, with all that I am...

In Jesus Name,