Tuesday, February 17, 2009

S.O.A.P. for 02-17-2009 Making Prmises

S: Leviticus 5:4
Or if a person swears, speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man may pronounce by an oath, and he is unaware of it, when he realizes it, then he shall be guilty in any of these matters.

O: Have you ever sworn/promised/agreed to do or not do something and then realized how foolish your promise was? God's people are called to keep their word, even if they make promises that are tough to keep. Jesus warned us about making vows/oaths when He said "Let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No". Our word should be enough.

A: Let me check both my tongue and my heart before speaking a vow. Do I mean it? Can I fulfill it? Am I able to carry it out? Also, I must convict my heart and remember to follow through so that I don't disappoint or let anyone down around me, I don't want people to lost faith in me and feel they can't come to me because they think I'll let them down in some way. I don't want to be known as someone who "talks a good game" but as someone that can be counted on. I want to be a do-er not a talker.

P: Abba Father,
I Love You, honor You, Praise Your holy name! Lord, i pray that You help me to convict my heart and mind to see a vow/promise for what it is. A covenant. Help me to see if I have slipped here. If I have, please forgive me and help me to improve that area of my life that I may be a person others feel they can come to, depend on, and rely on. Also, Lord, allow me the strength to also learn to say "NO" for where it may apply as well, that I may also learn to not be swayed or guilted into doing more than I'm capable. Help me to say No when I really don't know how I can fulfill what's asked as well. I ask for wisdom to be able to see the difference in where my Yes should be Yes and my No should be No. You promise refreshment and strength, so if there's more I AM capable of, reveal it to my heart. Thank you for the lessons learned, and for the lessons that await me as I develop this relationship with You and Your word.

In Jesus name